My Friend Kitty

My friend Kitty and I have been pals for many years, now that I've moved away I don't get to see her as often, but I call her every morning on my drive to work and we talk for the 15 or 20 minutes it takes me to make my way to my office... no subject is off limits between us...

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Tiny Food and Midge

I've been making miniature, dollhouse-sized food recently, my DH  has even set up a website ( to sell it and I've taken some of it to a couple of craft fairs. Seems to be doing well, I get a lot of positive comments.

Kitty and I discuss miniatures a lot of mornings lately... she loves them and is a springboard to bounce ideas off of... and she comes up with great ideas and inspiration for my ongoing projects!

Kitty's mother, Midge, was an artist... Kitty lost her to emphysema a few years ago and misses her so much, as I do my own Mama, who has only been gone for two years. Mamas are something special!

Midge was a fabric artist, mostly... she made quilted wall hangings, vests, etc. and they were lovely... but she dabbled in many and varied media... she wrote poetry, did fabulous pin and ink drawings, sculpted, sewed, and who knows what else. I helped her with her annual Crafts for Hope craft fair a couple of years and had the privilege of knowing the remarkable woman she was. Midge designed and built (some with her own two hands, some with help from local carpenters and contractors) her house, an adorable A-Frame set in the middle of mature woods. Kitty inherited the house when her mom passed away and has spent the last 5 or 6 years going through and organizing her mom's things... she still has a long way to go. Midge collected everything!

In a recent foray into boxes of her mother's things, Kitty found, what else, miniature food her mother made for her when she was a little girl... Barbie sized! She was so excited... she had been telling me about some of the food Midge had made for her and had wondered where it had gotten to. In a box... in the attic of the house she lives in... You would have to see that house to understand... there are so many little cubby-holes and tiny attic spaces and Midge knew how to store! It took Kitty the better part of a year just to organize the shelves in Midge's studio, much less tackling the attics! Anyhow, Kitty found doughnuts, hot dogs, fries, and more... She was so excited!

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